Data-driven carrier success

Understand your customers better, so you can serve them better.

Grow your life business through the power of data
Tier, target, retarget, and more with data packages that optimize workstreams for your marketers, agents, product teams, and data teams.
Explore our offerings


Grow your life business through the power of data
Tier, target, retarget, and more with data packages that optimize workstreams for your marketers, agents, product teams, and data teams.
Cross-device identity mapping
Real-time data events
Audience activation
Data pipelining
Funnel performance
Recommendation engine
Real-time logic
Logic configurator
Data vendor integrations
Monitoring & Reporting
Supports multiple products
Data enrichment
Lead scoring
Approval assessment
Propensity to buy
Lapse prediction
Continuous updates & tooling
Data Teams
Product Teams

Unlock vital insights with AudienceSync

Advanced analytics to help you guide the right customers to your funnel.

  • Identity stitching

    Merge data points across sources to build a more complete picture of every customer’s journey.

  • Attribution tracking

    Optimize marketing spend through intelligent modeling and attribution.

  • Real-time data events

    Speed up your retargeting pipeline with robust and real-time event data.

Traffic ID
Bound Policies to Target
Spend vs. Attribution
Channel Performance
The journey from analytics to outcomes
AudienceSync stitches together disparate data resources to provide you with powerful and unique insights about who your customers are and where they’re coming from.
Bestow’s Recommendation Engine in SegmentWise can turn even limited data inputs into actionable customer groupings and likely-fit product tiers.
Finally, sophisticated data modeling helps guide the right customers to the right products, reducing per-policy underwriting costs and increasing customer retention and lifetime value.

Drive growth by better
understanding your customers

The benefits of customer segmentation
Lead Scoring
Empower your agents with information to help them work smarter, not harder.
Product Recommendation
Use sophisticated modeling to route the right customers to the right products.
Lapse Prediction
Improved product fit means increased customer retention and lifetime value.
Data delivers a big impact
In 2023, Bestow Data Solutions drove rapid results by implementing smarter data systems and practices.

  • 1 month Timeline

    from diagnosis to results

  • 35% of Cost reduction


  • 56% of Policy placement rate

    via partner recommendation
Ready to get results?
Reach out today and learn how quickly Bestow’s solutions can help you leverage the power of data to grow your life business.